Ciampino wins against noise: after 15 years of struggle, the airport will have to reduce the number of flights

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AirportWatch The January 2016 AirportWatch news bulletin 

When the last bulletin went out, at the start of December, everyone was expecting some relatively clear indication from the Government, some time before Christmas, of whether it might back a runway at Heathrow - in accordance with the Airports Commission recommendation

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Global Anti-Aerotropolis Movement (GAAM),  03/2015

What is an Aerotropolis, and why must these developments be stopped?

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Join the Global Anti-Aerotropolis Movement (GAAM)!

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Taming Aviation coalition. 18/11/2014


250,000 demand end to scandal of Europe’s airline subsidies, tax exemptions and night flights


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Gatwick Airport gaat in opbod en biedt meer lawaaicompensatie dan Heathrow aan bewoners!

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De nieuwsbrief opent zo:

There is a strong economic case to close London City Airport. Come again? There may be an environmental case, but an economic one? That is exactly what a new report published on 10th April by the New Economics Foundation claims will happen if London City Airport closes.
Royal Docks Revival: Replacing City Airport, commissioned by HACAN East, shows that, if City Airport were shut down, the land freed up would be able to cater for businesses which produced many more jobs and created a lot more income than the airport does.


Het is een opdracht om de mythe van de jobcreatie door en rond airports te ontmijnen, het is zeker niet de enige of meest zekere manier

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HACAN (Heathrow Londen actiegroep) want less and lighter flights on London City Airport

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AirportWatch bulletin for April 2014


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European Commission opens the floodgates to public aid for airports and low-cost airlines  


The European Commission today published its final guidelines on state aid for aviation, which will allow regional airports and the airlines serving them to keep receiving subsidies worth an estimated €2-3 billion a year.


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Charleroi Airport can't receive state aid any more; it's with 6,5 mio passengers/y above the 3 mio limit imposed by the EC

Update 14/02/2014


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AirportWatch bulletin for November


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Dear All


A great video from Reuters, just out, illustrating the health impacts of living under the noisy Heathrow flight path based on the recent study from Imperial College in London.


John Stewart


Aircraft noise linked to higher rates of heart disease and stroke near London Heathrow Airport

Lees het ganse verslag


Van Europeanaviationcampaigners

Questions and Answers about Night Flights

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In Marseille we have 25 night flights by day, essentialy freight and postal freight.
Do you know this document where we can see the curfew and some other informations about all airports  :

AirportWatch bulletin, October 2013

Wall Street Journal weerreporter zweert na vernietigend IPCC rapport in tranen dat hij nooit meer vliegt.
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The July edition of the AirportWatch bulletin

The Airports Commission has today held its first public evidence session, on climate change and on connectivity, in Manchester.  The AEF (Aviation Environment Federation) and WWF UK gave evidence on climate, and Brian Ross from SSE (Stop Stansted Expansion) gave evidence on connectivity. The second public evidence session takes place tomorrow, in London, with two sessions on operational models of airport. (It may still be possible to attend, but it is necessary to email the Commission beforehand to obtain a place.  To ).

Bekijk het bulletin


71% van de airport managers en 65% van de airline managers verwacht EU ban op nachtvluchten!
UECNA gaat deze verwachtingen niet teleurstellen!

De vzw Boreas is lid van de UECNA (Europese vereniging tegen vliegtuigoverlast)

net als WILOO (Oostende), Brussel Air Libre en Awaccs.

UECNA zet "STOP EU NIGHTFLIGHTS" op de agenda van de Europese verkiezingen in 2014.
Dit weekend organiseren Duitse actiegroepen een grote internationale conferentie in München rond Stop Nachtvluchten en andere actiethema's. VZW Boreas werkt hieraan mee.
UECNA voorzitter John Stewart: "A ban on nightflights is in a densely populated European region only possible on EU level. UECNA will lobby responsible European politicians for their active collaboration to achieve this."
Onderstaand kregen we nu al door van onze Duitse vrienden.
A new study of Roland Berger (a famous German Strategy Consulter) says that
71% of airport managers and
65% of airline managers
expect an expansion of bans on night flights in Europe.

(see: [page 14])

The AirportWatch bulletin for June is now available

You probably have not been able to miss the flurry of activity over the past month or so, with various organisations producing reports on airport capacity, with which they hope to influence the Airports Commission, under Sir Howard Davies. There have also be many news stories about responses, from airports and a range of organisations, to the various "discussion documents" put out by the Commission.

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European Aviation Campaigners’

Conference: 22nd June near Munich

Dear All,

Attached is the latest edition of Exchange, the newsletter for aviation campaigners across Europe.

As usual, it will be translated into French and Spanish and go up on the UECNA website -

Note two big events coming up:

  • the European Aviation Campaigners’ Conference in Germany on 22nd June
  • the demonstration at Nantes on 11th May

Also note details of the night flights campaign. Does your group want to be involved?

Please email this newsletter to other aviation campaigners in your country.

With my thanks,

John Stewart


Corinne Namblard, ex-CEO of Siena airport director of QANTAS

The case of Siena airport has followed the ex-CEO to Australia, where she is now on the board of QANTAS, but in her CV there is no mention of criminal charges against her connected with the privatisation of Siena airport. However, the press has caught up with her and questions are being asked ... Here you can also find links to the scandal that has invested the Siena bank Monte dei Paschi (MPS) and its ex-president Giuseppe Mussari, the
geniusalleged to be behind the hare-brained idea tot privaise and expand Siena airport and to rig
alleged to be behind the hare-brained idea to privatise and expand Siena airport and tot rig the tender procedure in favour of Galaxy.

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Activists win their case at Viterbo, Rome's third airport to be is refused

The plans for a mega airport at Viterbo, 40 miles outside Rome, have finally been abandoned. Details attached. The campaigners, in their hour of triumph, have confirmed their belief that there should be less flying at all airports because of the damage it does to people and the planet. In particular, they have sent their support to the campaigners fighting for fewer planes to Rome’s existing airports: “In solidarity with the people of Ciampino and Fiumicino”.


Now the government can no longer use plans to build an airport at Viterbo as an excuse for doing nothing about the fact that Ciampino airport (Rome's second airport) has been running at three time the maximum allowed traffic for many years. Next question and activists stay watchful: what will happen now at Ciampino?


European Parliament approves noise, slot allocation rules

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De 'DG Move' van de Europese Commissie beseft niet wat hoge vluchtfrequentie met de gezondheid doet.

Bekijk de presentatie

Bewoners München (niet onder start- of landingsbaan) stemden tegen 3e baan op airport namens omwonenden die niet mochten stemmen en wel overvlogen zouden worden. Dat is nog eens solidariteit!

The residents of Munich yesterday voted 54% to 45% to reject a 3rd runway in a referendum.

This is an astonishing victory for the campaigners. Most of Munich is not under the flight paths. The people outside the city who are under the flight paths were not allowed to vote. And they took on the entire political establishment (except the Green Party) which poured millions into the referendum. It is a result for high-profile, high-class campaigning.


Read more about the result:


Also the blog I did on Friday about the protests in Germany:


It does not mean that the runway is 100% off the agenda but the Mayor of Munich has accepted that it will be very difficult to go ahead with it now.


The May edition of the AirportWatch bulletin is now  available from the AirportWatch website's Publications
 The May bulletin contains articles on:
Page 2
- From John Stewart, Chair of AirportWatch
Page 3
- After 28 days the Nantes hunger strike ends, with concession from authorities to reconsider land expropriations
-  Theresa Villiers shuts door on third runway at Heathrow
Page 4
- EasyJet flights from Southend started on 2nd April  …… and then Southend Airport terminal extension approved
- Boris returns as London Mayor, keeping alive the dreaded Boris Island threat
Page 5
- Growing opposition to Luton Airport plans to increase passenger numbers from 9.5 million to 18 million per year
Page 6
- Airlines oppose higher landing fee to cut immigration queues at Heathrow
- Slowdown in cheap flights gives boost to British economy
Page 7
- Edinburgh Airport sold to Global Infrastructure Partnership for £807m
- Kehoe says BAA claims are a con, and Chinese companies are happy to fly to Birmingham, by-passing Heathrow
- Frankfurt night flight ban between 11pm and 5am upheld by higher court.  Implications for Heathrow?
- Fire safety problems delay new Berlin airport yet again with its planned opening on 3rd June delayed to late August
Page 8
- Two videos from the campaigners against the 3rd runway at Munich
- Aviation should be included in the UK’s carbon budgets, Government advisers, the CCC, recommend
Page 9
- Are the B787 Dreamliner’s claims to be a new generation in aircraft fuel efficiency over-stated? And its claims of “quietness” exaggerated?
- Boeing ‘Dreamliner’ offers only marginal noise benefit
- Stop Stansted Expansion calls on the CAA to tackle the environmental impacts of aviation
Page 10
- West Sussex study shows personal flights the largest single component of carbon footprint
- Airport retail: rise and rise of the shopping centre, with an airport attached
- European Parliament begins scrutiny of EU airport noise rules
Page 11
- What exactly is the economic benefit of UK aviation?

Page 12
- Comprehensive data on passengers, routes, and CO2 emissions for all UK airports
- New report from the Netherlands on the failings of aviation biofuels
- Olympic Games, despite conventional wisdom, present no large benefit to airlines

- Useful info
Bulletin at :


Twee Franse boeren in hongerstaking tegen geplande aanleg Nantes Airport.

Notre Dames des Landes : Grève de la Faim de 2 paysans.

Appel a mobilisation

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Notre-Dame-des-Landes: les opposants cessent leur grève de la faim

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NIght Flight Ban at Frankfurt Airport, activists explain what they did.

This link below goes a long way to explaining the huge protests at Franfurt -    Pages 3-7 in particular.  It is a presentation which was given by Horst Weise to the UECNA meeting of European airport campaigners a couple of weeks ago in Brussels.

 Essentially what happened was that, before the new runway was opened, the routes of the existing flight paths were changed significantly, lengthened and the planes started flying lower.  A sure recipe for protest!

 Despite the partial night flight ban which was agreed last week, the weekly protests are continuing.  It will be interesting if anything is done about the new flight paths.



Frankfurt Campaigners win Night Flight Ban

I suspect this ruling has brought a Heathrow night flight ban a step closer

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Attached is the UECNA response to the document which came out for consultation from the European Commission at the end of last year.  It is called The Better Airports Package.  It is not good news for us.  The Commission’s recommendations will now go to the European Parliament and member states before a final decision is taken.  That means there will be an opportunity to lobby Members of the European Parliament to get changes.  Please feel free to use the attached response in any lobbying you may do.  We do not yet know the date when the European Parliament will be considering the proposals.  We will let you know.

UECNA nieuws januari 2012

The year has got going with plenty happening in the world of aviation - and that looks likely to continue during 2012.  The massive weekly protests at Frankfurt airport, against the unwelcome noise intrusion from the new runway, are remarkable

Air travel has now joined the European Emissions Trading System, and that will be one to watch during the year.  The High Speed 2 announcement will have implications for air travel, and we will be hearing a lot more about that during the coming two years. The government's consultation on its future aviation policy starts in March, probably continuing till July.  The year is bound to bring plenty of lobbying from various quarters on Heathrow, Birmingham and Thames estuary pipedreams, as well as the inevitable litany of complaints about Air Passenger Duty - just to mention a few.
Meanwhile people living near the Thames Estuary are increasingly alarmed about the possibility of a new estuary airport, and whether this will feature in the government consultation document. To start organising local opinion in the area, a public meeting has been arranged at Leigh on Sea (near Southend). This will be on Friday 10th February, starting at 7.45pm, at Leigh Centre, Elm Road, Leigh on Sea, Essex. SS9 1SP. Map  There will be more details in due course at
BAA has just released its figures for all of 2011, for its airports. These show an increase of 4.4% in passengers over 2010, but after adjusting for exceptional events in 2010 such as British Airways strikes, volcanic ash and snow disruption, the underlying increase was 0.9%. Details at

AirportWatch bulletin for January 2012 is available at   


The AirportWatch bulletin for October is now out, and can be found at 

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UECNA activist onder valse voorwendsels toegang geweigerd op JFK Airport.


Dear Friends,


As some of you will know, I was stopped from entering America when I arrived at JFK Airport in New York last Thursday to speak to American campaigners about the Heathrow Third Runway Campaign.


Below is the article from the London Evening Standard; the comments on Twitter (universal condemnation of the decision); and the press release HACAN put out yesterday.  I was given no explanation why I refused entry.  As I say in the press release, since I have no criminal convictions, I can only assume that it was because of my involvement in the Heathrow Third Runway Campaign which they did not want me to talk about to meetings in America.


Fox News, the American TV channel owned by Rupert Murdoch, ran a story that I had been escorted off the plane by the police because of information received that I had made threats against President Obama!   For me, that re-enforces the view that the authorities simply did not want me in America.


Perhaps I should now sing John Denver’s song: “I’m leaving in a jet plane; don’t know when I’ll be back again.”!


John Stewart


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Voorspellingen van gigantische groei koolstofuitstoot vliegtuigen binnen 40 jaar 

Yesterday the long awaited, and much delayed, response by the Department for Transport to the Committee on Climate Change, on how aviation's carbon emissions might be kept within UK climate change targets, was published.  Also the updated air passenger forecasts up to 2050, and the aviation carbon dioxide forecasts. The previous forcasts were in 2009.

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Mayor Johnson to consult on 'world's largest airport'

Former head of Cathay Pacific finds location inappropriate because of local populations nearby


By Marcus Leach

Chancellor George Osbourne will be consulted by Boris Johnson regarding a proposal that could see the world's biggest airport built in the Thames Estuary.

Architect Lord Foster has instigated a project for a giant four-runway airport on the Isle of Grain in Kent.

However, the plans have been met with criticism from Paul Outhwaite, of the RSPB, who claimed the idea is "a massive act of environmental vandalism".

Lord Foster's plans would see the hub become the largest in the world, with the capacity set to cater for 150 million passengers. Further to that the hub would be powered by tidal energy from the North Sea.

Mayor Johnson has made no secret in the past of his desire to see London connected to a world-leading hub, and seems to be taken by Lord Foster's plans.

"I am grateful to Lord Foster for spelling out the potential for a new airport, properly rooted in a broader vision for the Thames estuary, where it would make a vital contribution to economic growth," Mr Johnson said.

"I believe this is vital not only so London remains in the premier league of aviation, but also to generate jobs and opportunities for decades."

John Olsen, the former head of Cathay Pacific who favours an airport at Cliffe in Kent, said: "This is a totally inappropriate location for a large hub. There are local populations nearby and there is the issue of wild birds on the island. This proposal is getting into the realms of fantasy and dreamland."



In July over 14,000 people took part in a demonstration against plans to build an international airport in Nantes in South West France.

The campaigners have succeeded in making their campaign a national issue in France.

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München Airport (opnieuw winstgevend na outsourcen bagage handling tegen latere lonen) plant een derde baan, omwonenden voeren actie

Munich Airport to make 3rd runway construction a priority

Due to the rapid increase in traffic Munich is currently slot constraint and a third runway is now being planned. Not uncommon for such a project, there is considerable opposition from the nearby residents. Lawsuits against the runway have already been announced.


"After losing its Olympic bid recently, the Bavarian state government might feel a need for other opportunities to subsidise the construction-industry-based segment of its crumbling voter base - or maybe even for corrections of wishful anticipations of future demand before they become bursting bubbles, probably looking at the "Stuttgart 21" railway station conflict to see whether state governments in this country are still able to force misguided construction projects upon an unwilling majority or the high water mark is finally reached. 

As soon as Greece finally cuts its unsustainable military spending, or human rights criteria for exports are going to be interpreted a little bit tighter, it will be these Southern states of Germany whose governors boast they were paying for the rest of the country where this will directly result in military industry job cuts, and the state government of Bavaria might soon have other priorities than airport expansion."

Leonhard Bauer.

Lees het ganse artikel


14.000 activisten demonstreren in Nantes tegen nieuwe luchthaven en maakten het een politiek issue voor presidentsverkiezingen

From John Steward from EuropeanAviationCampaigners

I have just returned from Nantes in South West France where 4,500 people demonstrated against new airport yesterday. 14,000 over 2 days. They could well win. This could become the French Heathrow.  They have a vibrant coalition of local residents, environmentalists, sympathetic politicians and direct action activists who have set up a camp in the area.  They arranged that the Green Party national delegates, including its prospective candidate for the presidential elections, had their annual meeting in Nantes so they could attend the protest en masse.  The airport is set to become an issue in next year’s Presidential election as the Greens, who might get 10% of the vote, intend to use it as a bargaining tool in any deal they might strike with the Socialists.  The campaigners have commissioned a report from CE Delft challenging the economic argument for the airport which they will publish in the Autumn.


On Sunday the 4,500 people formed themselves into a protest plane – see link for picture - as part of a weekend of protest.  A win in France would be great not just for the local people but for the whole of Europe.  Coming after the dropping of runways at Heathrow, Stansted and Gatwick, it would re-enforce the view that it is becoming increasingly difficult to built new runways or new airports in Europe.


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Wat een droom zo'n overkoepelende Verenigde Airport Watch

Voor dat we hierover kunnen spreken in België zullen we nog wel een regering of 2 verslijten,
Green groups warn Government over aviation CO2 emissions
Government must retain current UK aviation CO2 target and adopt Committee on Climate Change recommended flight limits in full


“Back door” airport expansion via planning system needs to be stopped right away until new UK-wide aviation policy in place

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British activists conference receives minister: report

 AirportWatch / AEF Conference on 18th June - notes and key points 

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Europese consultatie over TVA voor kerosine en vliegtuigaankoop loopt 
nog altijd
(UECNA Nieuwsbrief juni 2011)

Airport Watch May 2011, table of Contents

This bulletin contains the following items:

Page 1 
- A Critical Summer - comment from John Stewart, Chair of AirportWatch
- "Flying Matters" crashes as members fall out

Page 2

- Birmingham Airport runway extension expected to start in 2012 and be ready by 2014
-  Birmingham airport aspiration to be a major air transport hub
- New law enables Met Police to recover London City Airport security cost

Page 3
- Controversial planning document could pave way for Belfast City Airport runway extension
- The Belfast City Airport Judicial Review hearing on 13th � 15th June inclusive
- Also Inquiry
- Fight against Bristol airport�s expansion plans is far from over as the application for Judicial Review goes to the High Court

Page 4
- Rising debt forces Newcastle airport sale
- Plymouth City Airport to close in December
Page 5
- Idling airplanes produce more harmful pollution than previously thought
- Heathrow Airport villages 'dying due to buy-up scheme'
- At Southend SAEN appeals against Judicial Review decision and the Ecclesiastical Court ponders the loss of 38 metres of church wall

Page 6
- Depressed in Barcelona - John Stewart on the problems of living under a tourist destination flight path 
- Campaigners step up Dunsfold Park fight due to threat of unrestricted flights
Page 7
- EMA wind turbines to produce a tiny amount of the airport's electricity
- Have your say on new Heathrow airport consultation on noise mitigation
- Lydd Airport Inquiry resumes: Dungeness as a Fukushima in the making?

Page 8
- Nuclear power stations:  Another safety exemption for aviation?
- Coventry Airport investment 'will create 10,000 jobs' (highly unlikely)
- Latest Carlisle Airport plans could end up at public inquiry
Page 9
- Socio-economic class of UK passengers has not changed over time
- EC should make tax fairer by extending VAT to air travel
- Guernsey Airport runway rebuild expects compulsory purchase of land

Page 10
- Amid greenwashing claims, US environmental groups tell their major airlines to drop opposition to EU ETS
- Reform of Air Passenger Duty - A Response from GACC

Page 11
- Reform of Air Passenger Duty - A Response from GACC (cont)

Page 12
- Olympic Torch will be flying to outlying parts of the UK - not by ferry?
- Global CO2 levels - over 389 ppm in 2010 (316 ppm in 1959)
- Useful Info


Aviation Scoping Document consultation launched, with recognition that aviation growth must be within environmental limits

The AirportWatch bulletin for April is attached.  It is also on the AirportWatch website under Publications, at
Probably the most significant thing in the past few weeks has been the publication of the Government's Scoping Document on aviation. This is a public consultation which continues till the end of September.  It is the first stage of a two year process, by which the DfT will slowly come up with a policy to replace the 2003 Aviation White Paper, which is widely acknowledged to be out of date now that the south east runways component has been removed.
The consultation questions are very broad and general, and reveal that much in the UK's future aviation policy is up for discussion.  The main points are that it confirms the decision not to build new runways at Heathrow, Gatwick or Stansted - and that environmental issues have to be addressed. 
Many people may wish to respond in due course, and AirportWatch - as well as many of our member organisations - will be providing guidance on how best to do this, and insights into key issues and what needs to be included in the final aviation policy, which is due to be finalised by early 2013.  There will be much more during the summer on this.
No one seems to have done anything much that is disobedient or photogenic relating to aviation this last month, so this bulletin is a bit heavy on facts and policies. 

But I hope you find items of interest.


Het Britse HACAN brengt verslag uit over hun twee grote Heathrow capmpagnes, een over nachtvluchten, een over vluchtroutes. Een jong campagneteam plakte ook affiches over met protest tegen de luchtvaartmaatschappijen die nog altijd als zeer vervuilende en de gezondheid belastende industrie GEEN BTW hoeven te betalen

Jonge HACAN campagnevoerders plakken posters over met protest tegen geen btw voor luchtvaartindustrie.

HACAN bestelt regelmatig rapporten bij onafhankelijke internationale consultancies die ook voor België interessant zijn Recenteen bij de Nederlandse economische consultancy CE Delft over onzin gederfde inkomsten als nachtvluchten worden afgeschaft. Al in 2007 bij Veritas over de werkelijke vluchtfrequentie en hoogte van overvliegende vliegtuigen over nieuwe regio's in en rond Londen.

Lees het Jopurnaal  van Hacan : Night Fight Ban Could Benefit the Economy

Commentaar Daedalus: "Interessant document. HACAN trekt ook ten strijde tegen concentratie van vluchten. Het gaat hier om landende vluchten rond Heathrow - waar de vertrekken overigens al gespreid worden - waardoor mensen die ver af van de luchthaven wonen zich nu ineens als naaste buren van de luchthaven gaan voelen. Waar hebben we dat nog eens gehoord?"

Data at 300 European airports reveals winners and losers in 2010 by airport and country; demand up 4.8%. Belgium is in the middle

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According to the statistics of AirportWatch, only two airports in whole the U.K. are more trafficked than Oslo Airport Gardermoen (OSL) though whole Norway's population isn't much greater than half of London's (about 4,9 mill. inhabitants). In 2010, OSL had about 19 million passengers.

The January 2011 AirportWatch bulletin is attached. It is also on the AirportWatch website under Publications at

 (and on the website in Word too).
Aviation remains a highly newsworth topic, and there will be plenty going on this year. In March the DfT will publish its Scoping Document on aviation, which will be a chance to get debate going on many aspects of the industry. Key organisations will be consulted this year, but not the general public. By next spring there will be a more detailed policy for public consultation.
AirportWatch has produced 3 new information booklets to help inform debate and put key facts and arguments together in easily accessible form. There are booklets on aviation policy, economics and noise - and a further one on climate change and technology will be ready soon.
They can be found at
This bulletin contains the following items:
Page 1:
- VAT went up to 20% on 4th January; but aviation still pays no VAT
- From the Chair of AirportWatch, John Stewart. Why should aviation be a special case?
- 2011: Important Year in Europe. European Commission considering putting VAT on the cost of air travel
Page 2:
- Manchester Airport On Trial: Guilty verdicts on eleven, but the fight continues with another trial of the remaining six in February
Page 3:
- Nellie (the elephant in the room) drops in on Manchester City Council's climate change conference
- Coop Bank's refinancing of Manchester Airport draws criticism from environmentalists
Page 4:
- £110,000 payout to two families as Manchester Airport hits value of houses

- £15m of Government Regional Growth Fund for Birmingham Airport runway plans
- Dismay as Judge allows Newham green light to London City Airport expansion
Page 5:
- The London City Airport Public Safety Zone is getting bigger and covering more homes
- New report from Europe shows people are disturbed by much lower levels of aircraft noise than previously admitted (including new Heathrow noise report)
Page 6:
- Edinburgh Airport intent on huge expansion in its draft Master Plan
- Update on Bristol Airport application
Page 7:
- Carlisle airport application hopes for 200,000 passengers by 2025 and 5 return flights per day
- Southend update. Airport Jobs?

- Update from Luton
Page 8:
- Belfast City residents' fury at removal of airport passenger limit
- Briefing paper produced by Belfast City Airport Watch on why Northern Ireland needs a regional aviation strategy
- Email action against Lufthansa's aviation biofuel plans
Page 9:
- Dismantling company finds innovative ways of reusing scrapped aircraft materials
- 2010 UK airports total Terminal Passengers down - 3.5% compared to 2009
- CCC: UK should commit to a 60% cut in emissions by 2030 and UK aviation emissions should be no higher in 2050 than they were in 2005


The profits of aviation industry at the expense of citizens are obscene.The profits are helped by all the tax-breaks the aviation industry gets because it does not pay VAT or tax on its fuel.  And of course it doesn�t pay the full cost of the noise and emissions it is responsible for.  This year UECNA is going to be working with T & E and other lobby groups to press for this situation to end.  There may be some opportunities for change to take place because the European Commission is going to be revising the VAT Directive, the Energy Directive (which includes taxes on fuel) and very possibly the Noise Directive.  I think they provide us all with opportunities to work together.


  On Tuesday 4.1.2011 British VAT goes up to 20% in the UK, but still aviation pays nothing.

Lees het persbericht


CE Delft bevestigt: afschaffing nachtvluchten op Heathrow is goed voor economie want evt verlies aan vluchten wordt ruimschoots gecompenseerd door winst op gezondheidsvlak

A major HACAN report launched yesterday shows that a ban on night flights at Heathrow before 6am could be expected to have overall benefits for the wider UK economy. The new report, commissioned by HACAN from the Dutch economists CE Delft, has found that a night flight ban at Heathrow before 6am could benefit the national economy by as much as £860 million over a 10 year period. The big savings would be in the monetary costs associated with sleep deprivation. Because of the huge number of people living under the Heathrow night flight path, these savings could be expected to outweigh any loss of income to the aviation industry. CE Delft argues that the national economy would only be harmed if none of the passengers who currently arrive on the flights before 6am failed to transfer to flights arriving at other times. If that were to take place, the national economy could lose up to £35 million over a 10 year period, but the report states that the chances of that happening are "highly unlikely".

Getuigenis UECNA lid: "I was recently in Sydney and the first flight seemed to arrive at about 7.10 in the morning, a curfew that is apparently very unpopular with some carriers, especially freight.  There didn't seem to be flights after 10 pm either.  However the airport has terrible noise impact on Sydney, though somewhat tempered when flights leave over Botany Bay, which is much of the time.

On flying home to Italy, the plane was due to land in Rome at 7 am, but it was one hour early due to high altitude headwinds being weaker than usual, landing at 6 am.  Evidently there is no curfew in Rome!  The flight took off from Hong Kong at ten minutes past midnight." (H.A., Italy).


Bekijk het rapport


Online Library for all European activists against airport nuisance

UECNA (the European Union of Action Groups against airport nuisance) has set up an Online Library.  There are a lot of reports and much information in the different European countries about aviation, airports, health, economics, campaigning etc.   The aim of the Online Library is to have them in one place.
The Online Library will be part of the AirportWatch website, based in the UK –   If you have any reports or information you would like to put on it, please email it to Sarah Clayton :   Please indicate that it is for the Online Library.  You can send it through in any language but it would be useful if you could include in the email a very short summary in English.


European Commission wants to revise its position on slots

On Monday the 29th of november John Stewart was in Brussels representing UECNA (the Europe-wide network of airport campaign groups) at a conference/seminar organized by the European Commission which is considering whether to revise its position on slots.  The meeting was to get views of ?stakeholders? as to what they should do.  90% of the participants were either from the aviation industry or from the Government departments in EU countries which are responsible for transport.

Attached is a short report of the meeting.


Lijst met luchthavens


Rapport Airport Observatory Working Group 1


Britse AirportWatch viert Gatwick overwinning

The November AirportWatch bulletin is attached.  It is also on the AirportWatch website at
(and on the website in Word too).
The November bulletin contains the following:

Page 1
- High Court Judicial Review by Fight the Flights against Newham Council decision on London City Airport
- Jobs claims by London City Airport shown to be misleading and inaccurate
- New research reveals sky-high noise levels from
- London City Airport - worse than living near Heathrow
Page 2
- Philip Hammond Moves Away from Predict and Provide
Runway rethink ruled out in aviation review but industry must decarbonise
Page 3
 - From the Chair, John Stewart
-  Aviation scoping document will be published by DfT March 2011
Page 4
-  Gatwick runway victory celebrated
-  CAA Consultation on ?Future Airspace Strategy for the UK"
Page 5
- Taxpayers to pay yet more to fund road scheme to help Birmingham Airport runway extension
Page 6
-  Boris Johnson still pressing for Thames Estuary airport ... while PM rules it out
-  Solena and Rentech to partner on synthetic fuel technology for Europe's proposed first jet fuel facility, in London
-  Lufhansa plans trial in spring 2011 with biofuel partly made from palm oil
-  Residents concerned at bmibaby move to Belfast City airport; questions raised over passenger limit
-  Noise Action Plans soon to go to ministers ? at last
Page 7
- Stansted update
- Air Passenger Duty rose on 1st November to massive industry whinge
- Austria to introduce flight departure eco-tax - ?8 for short haul ?40 long haul
        (including details of air taxes in several EU countries)
Page 8
- EU transport emissions up 34% since 1990 and aviation emissions up 110%
- Aberdeen airport 125 metre runway extension is expected to begin in March
- IATA says global air passenger demand is strengthening - up +10.1% in October
- Revamp to shut Manchester Airport main runway at night for eight months
Page 9
- BAA may face changes to forced UK airport sales - Competition Commission invites submissions
- Race from Edinburgh to the Gherkin. Train v Plane. Train won.
- Ban-ki Moon: UN climate finance report demands global tax hike including aviation finance
- CAA publishes 2009 air passenger survey - fewer poor people flew
- Southend Update - Airport hotel given planning permission by Southend Council
    and Appropriation and Disposal of open space land by Southend Council - to assist the airport
Page 10
- Manston night flight plans grounded by Thanet Council; consultation is delayed
- Greenhouse gases at record levels: CO2 at 387 ppm in October at Mauna Loa
- MORE GLARING JUXTAPHOTISIONS - the amazing juxtapositions of completely conflicting images
- Increased shopping trips to German Christmas markets, and New York
- Plane Stupid wins international award for falling polar bear film
Hope you find it of interest.  Feedback always welcome.
Best wishes
Sarah Clayton
AirportWatch co-ordinator 


UECNA [EuropeanAviationCampaigners] Intra European Capacity Report - November 2010

This report contains interesting information about the busiest routes within Europe.  Many of them are routes covering relatively short distances.


Progress of Environmental Noise Directive (END): timing for revision + action points

The Commission (DG Environment) is now preparing a study on the implementation of the END which will be published at the end of March 2011 at the latest.

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October 2010 bulletin van AirportWatch

Lees de inhoud en het rapport

Ook op Schiphol worden geluidscontouren berekend en niet gemeten en wil beleid zich dus NIET op de realiteit baseren om de geluidshinder te verdelen.

Parlement steekt intussen stokje voor plannen overgangskabinet.

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CNEJAE (Franse gerechtelijke commissie luchtvaart en ruimte) breekt onderzoekscommissie vliegtuigongelukken tot de grond toe af. Drie experts blijken schokkend incompetent

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Italiaanse actiegroep weet al drie jaar Viterbo als Rome's derde luchthaven tegen te houden en wil dat we allemaal meer aan de grond blijven

Onderwerp: [EuropeanAviationCampaigners] from the Viterbo "Preventive" Committee against the airport and for the reduction of the aviation sector

Lees het ganse artikel

Press Release

 For immediate use

Victory Against All The Odds


New book describing how the Heathrow campaign was won released to mark official celebration of the victory


A book outlining the successful campaign to stop the expansion of Heathrow has been released to mark the official celebration of the event on Saturday 28th August (1).  Victory Against All The Odds has been written by John Stewart, the Chair of HACAN, one of the main organisations in the coalition of groups which successfully fought the plans to expand the airport.

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Britse burgerlijke ingenieurs vragen dat vliegen duurder wordt en waar ligt het breekpunt dat mensen niet meer zouden vliegen.
Lees het rapport


Lees de mededeling


EROI: Air Transport will be the first to go.
Hannes Kunz of the Institute of Integrated Economic Research, Switzerland made a speech on Energy Return on (energy) invested.  Note that air transport will be the first to go.  EROI means "Energy Return On (energy) Invested": a very interesting parameter for deciding whether energy sources are really sources, or rather energy sinks, as in the case of hydrogen.  These are the changes to expect as oil becomes scarcer and hence more expensive:  the process has already begun.


The newsletter from HACAN, which gives details of the successful campaign to stop expansion at Heathrow

Lees: The Journal of HACAN


Duitsland introduceert vliegtaks.

 De boodschap in alle landen is: als uw regering belastingen opschroeft en bezuinigt moet de luchtvaart haar steentje bijdragen.  Ze mag geen belastingontduikende subsidies meer krijgen en dient veel zwaarder belast te worden dan de lichtgewicht taxering die ze nu krijgt.,1518,699229,00.html#ref=rss


UK Government drops plans for 3rd runway at Heathrow and will block plans for new runways at Stansted and Gatwick. Activists at Heathrow campaigned 10 years to achieve this


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This is an amazing day to be sending out news about airports !

With the volcanic clouds filling the upper atmosphere with an abrasive mixture dangerous to aircraft engines, it seems to be the quietest day in the UK's skies (apart from some helicopters) for many decades, with just about all the UK airspace closed.  There have been comments from hundreds of people to say how much they are appreciating the peace, realising just how noisy life usually is, and listening to the unfamiliar sound of birdsong.  An unusual day.

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UECNA News 14/04/2010 : Association of European Airlines voorspelt opnieuw passagiersgroei voor 2010


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UECNA News 06/03/2010 :

A major report which HACAN commissioned from the Aviation Environment Federation and which it has just published.  

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The printable version of the December 2009 Bulletin can be downloaded from our website:

Excertp from december 2009: 

Aircraft energy efficiency has not improved in a decade

A new study on aviation says the pace of improvements in aircraft engine efficiency is very slow, and no progress has been made in the last decade. It calls for a carbon dioxide emissions standard for engines already in production.

The report is at   (20 pages )

EU-ETS ‘windfall’ for aviation

A new report suggests airlines could make large windfall profits from aviation joining the EU Emissions Trading Scheme in 2012, if airlines charge customers for emission allowances they are given free-of-charge

New faces and responsibilities at the Commission

The new European Commission sees some familiar faces in the directorates affecting transport and the environment, with a reshuffle of tasks as well as personnel.



Here is a link to Airport Development News - a useful quarterly newsletter with a section on each global region, with info about major infrastructure plans, funding and investments.

In the July 2009 issue there is an article about a possible freight airport in Enna, Sicily (the runway would be longer than the town), a possible Chinese investment. Does anyone have any information on this?
If it goes ahead Sicily has a reputation for epic campaigns against developments like major roads.




2010 could be an important year for noise in Europe.The European Commission will be making its comments on the Noise Action Plans. The European Commission is expected to start the process of revising its two Noise Directives – one on Airport Noise – Directive 2002/30/EC; and one on all aspects of Noise – Directive 2002/49/EC


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