Gatwick Airport gaat in opbod en biedt meer lawaaicompensatie dan Heathrow aan bewoners!


Heathrow business case looks shaky

if it had to give £100 million + per year noise compensation to households

Wandsworth Council leader Ravi Govindia says Heathrow‟s business case is beginning to look very shaky.

Heathrow's owners would have to spend £100 million every year to households around the airport if it is to

match Gatwick‟s new noise compensation offer.


Wandsworth calculates payments on the scale offered by Gatwick (£1,000

per year to homes within the 57dB contour) would cost Heathrow about

£100 million per year.


Gatwick has also offered to pay up to 2,000 qualifying local households a

one-off grant of up to £3,000 towards noise insulation. If Heathrow was to

match the terms of this scheme it could cost the airport a further £210

million per year.


Currently there are about 725,000 people affected by Heathrow noise, above

the 55 decibel level (from Heathrow airport data). There are some 245,000

peopleliving within the Heathrow 57 dbLAeq contour.

£1,000 x 245,000 = £245 million. (It will cost £4.1 million at Gatwick).


The number within a 55 dB contour would probably increase by at least another 150,000 if there was a new,

north-west runway at Heathrow ie. a total of 875,000 people in total would probably be within a 55 dB contour

with a 3rd runway.


Mr Govindia said the Airports Commission must give proper consideration to the "real noise impact of an

airport set in the most densely populated part of the country. ....Once you weigh the real environmental costs -

and those for improved surface access - against the claimed benefits of an additional runway, Heathrow‟s

business case begins to look very shaky." 3.4.2014