Conference NOISE  12 - 13 November 2003

hosted by Caroline Lucas, Paul Lannoye, Hiltrud Breyer and Alexander de Roo,

members of the European Parliament


Wednesday 12 November (Morning 09.00 - 13.00 h in 1G2)

Chair: Paul Lannoye


The Social, Environmental and Health Impacts of Noise

One third of the EU population is effected by noise from planes, cars, railroads and industry


1. The health impacts of noise (Prof. Birgitta Berglund, Stockholm University)

2. The impact of noise on children (Jens Ortscheid, UmweltBundesAmt, Berlin)

3. EU legislation - an update (Alexander de Roo, MEP)

4. EU legislation - European Commission (Gilles Paque, DG ENV)

5. Noise reduction through "silent cars" (Toyota Europe)

6. Silent tyres and roads (Ulf Sandberg, researcher)

7. Speed reduction (Rob Maat, DCMR NL)


Wednesday 12 November (Afternoon 14.00 - 18.00 h in 1G2)

Chair: Alexander de Roo


Reduction of Airplane noise (modified construction of jets and planes)

Modification of the modes of take off and landing

Taxation of arrivals and departs


1. Martin Kessell (Chair UECNA) - multi media presentatiom

2. Tim Johnson (AEF UK) - Update on ICAO process

3. Ronny Rohart ( DG TREN) - Alternatives to ICAO process

4.Philippe Touwaide (Belgium) - Modifications to take off and landing

5. Airbus Industry - Modification to jets and Planes

6. Magda Stoczkiewcz (Bank Watch/FoE) - EIB funding of airports


Thursday 13 November (Morning 10.30 - 13.00 h in 1G3)

Chair: Caroline Lucas

Noise at Airports

Extended meeting with representatives (ngo's) from several heavy effected areas in Madrid, Milano, Frankfurt, Heathrow, Liège and Amsterdam.


● John Whitelegg, Professor of Sustainable Transport Liverpool University - Impossibility of separating noise from sustainable issues - Why Aviation must be curbed. An introduction

● Casestudies plus discussion: Heathrow (John Stewart, HACAN), Liège (Colonel Léonard), and Amsterdam (Evert Hassink, Friends of the Earth Netherlands).

● Casestudies plus discussion: Madrid (Plataforma Jarama Vivo), Milan (Carolina Pacchi), and Frankfurt (Ralf Eggert, IFOK)


Thursday 13 November (Afternoon 14.00 - 17.00 h in 1G3)

Chair: Pernille Frahm

Aviation emissions

in relation to the Kyoto targets on reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The recently adopted Directive on Emissions Trading could open the  possibility of including CO2 emissions from aeroplanes on EU internal flights.

● Introduction: commissioner Loyola de Palacio (invited)

● Royal Society on Environmental Pollution

● Progress EU level - Caroline Lucas

● European Commission - response

● Questions and discussion

● Final address and Close


wk 29/09/2003